Wednesday 22 December 2010

Change back to the Dylan flag


Jack told me this morning.
I miss Dylan, I think I'm going to change my flag back to the Dylan flag.

Lately Dylan has been a little neglected. New toys and teddies have been hogging the spotlight.

Bagpuss in particular has been the main contender for the top slot. This is a pink and white striped cat that we got Jack due to his obsession with another Bagpuss at his day nursery. He's had Bagpuss since October and we were starting to think that Dylan had been usurped. It seems though that Dylan is not out of the game. This morning Jack expressed regret that he's been giving all of his attention to the other teddies and that from now on, the true hierarchy would be restored with Dylan on top.

Today Jack has taken Dylan everywhere with us, making up for lost time he says, it seems that Jack intends to repair the damage to their relationship.

Today Bagpuss has only managed to make it downstairs, while other new teddies remain in bed, Dylan made it to McDonald's and then all the way to Stafford.

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