Sunday, 17 June 2012

The digital family

Lately much of our family time has looked a little something like this.

Jack has recently taken to playing games on the PSP, he's particularly fond of one called Locoroco. It used to be that I'd play the games while Jack supervised as he struggled to understand how to make the games play. Now a days I'm more of a Winston Wolf type presence, he calls me in when he's in a jam.

I have a number of games on my iPhone and iPad that Jack plays and several apps that he uses.  Aside from typical things like the pocket phonics app, we have Brushes, for instance, that we use to draw mazes for each other as well as pictures. From time to time he'll have me set up the drum machine on GarageBand so he can spend a few minutes playing funky beats.

Helen and Jack have a number of games they play together on her computer. They sit together and discuss one of the puzzles or shoot things while trying to avoid shooting the diarrhoea... Jack and I play Sonic Racing together regularly as well, he's getting really good at it. There are even plans in the works to get all three of us racing, which should be good.

When I decided to go to university I did it with Jack in mind. I even started writing apps with Jack as my eventual audience. Not just the obvious 'providing a better life' outcome but I hoped that being a game developer I could create games that he could/would play. Much of my school work already revolves around him in some way, wether I'm designing games starring him, or letting him help me design them he's always involved in the project somewhere. I'm pleased that we both share a love of technology, I hope that it become a strong connection between us.

Sent from my iPad